Wednesday, December 31, 2008

yummy crab legs

yummy crab legs, originally uploaded by frogverde.

new years crab legs

new years crab legs, originally uploaded by frogverde.

this is a big one... deep into the depths of my soul

1.  What do you want more of in your life?
more order and calm, relaxing moments   

2.  What do you want less of in your life?
less chaos, yelling, frustration

3.  What are three things you are doing regularly that don't serve or support you?
time wasting on Internet, working for something that isn't my passion and not exercising

4.  What do you really, really want?
to enjoy life more with the people i love without having to run through a string of conditions before it can happen. from being able to eat on the dining room table to purchasing 3 dressers for the kids, there are always long drawn out processes that could be avoided and would lessen the stress of the entire family which would, in turn, lessen mine.

5.  What's one change you could make to your lifestyle that would give you more peace? letting go of clutter

6.  In your current situation, what are you grateful for?
everything. my life (even with all the stress) is a blessing. i have a beautiful family. healthy, smart children, a husband who loves me for who i am and a great support from God loving women at church

7.  What is the value of your current attitude?
the value is great right now. i am riding on the bliss of the Christmas spirit. Enjoying my time off work and loving 'being in the moment'.

8.  What's one way you could have more fun in your life?
letting go... no one can achieve perfectionism

9.  What is your life really about?  What is your purpose?
Jesus is the reason for my life. i logically know this but and emotionally feel this but have to apply this to my actions. i thank the Lord every day for the wonderful blessings He has given me and the ability to please him with my actions and words

10.  What would you like most to be acknowledged for so far in your life?
raising my children to be followers of Christ. Each one of them has asked Jesus to be their Lord and Savior. If NOTHING else, I can stand on this accomplishment.

Bonus Question

Who is responsible for your happiness? Ultimately, it is I. But I rely on the strength I need to create my own happiness form God.

If these questions intrigue you...

If you are going into or are in the midst of a transition... only my own... to be a better me. More follow though, less mess

If you want to get stress and expectations under control... i have to do it and stop talking about it.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

what? what? say what?

what? what? say what?, originally uploaded by frogverde.

i thought this child just turned 4, not 14! how does this happen? somebody please explain!

mountain goat

mountain goat, originally uploaded by frogverde.

let sleeping dogs lie

let sleeping dogs lie, originally uploaded by frogverde.

this is cala being dog-gone good and tired. this is how i feel today!

Cali's Holiday Greeting

Cali's Holiday Greeting, originally uploaded by frogverde.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Cali and the Dalessandro Family.

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Quiz

We know everything there is to know about Christmas, right? Maybe yes. Maybe no. Here's a fun family quiz with a dozen questions to test your knowledge about Christmas that will help you separate fact from tradition and sometimes, plain fiction. The following are all true or false questions…

1. The innkeeper in Bethlehem told Mary and Joseph, "There's no room for you in the inn."

2. Jesus was born inside a barn/stable.

3. Xmas is a disrespectful abbreviation for Christmas – taking Christ – so to speak out of Christmas.

4. Jesus wasn't really born on December 25.

5. "The little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes…" (from Away in a Manger).

6. The "wise men" followed the star in the sky to the manger where Jesus was.

7. The "wise men" who found Jesus were not kings.

8. A 'manger' is a stable for domestic animals.

9. The first candy cane was made to be a visible reminder of who Jesus is and what He has done for us.

10. The Bible says that three "wise-men" visited Jesus.

11. Our nation's earliest colonies insisted on making Christmas a holiday.

12. Jesus' birthday was not celebrated by His earliest followers.

answers will be posted tomorrow...



simple truths



Just because two people argue,
Doesn't mean they don't love each other.
And just because they don't argue,
Doesn't mean they do love each other.

We don't have to change friends if
We understand friends change.

No matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt
You every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.

True friendship continues to grow, even over
The longest distance. Same goes for true love.

You can do something in an instant
That will give you heartache for life.

it's taking me a long time To become the person I want to be.

You should always leave loved ones with
Loving words. It may be the last time you see them.

You can keep going long after you think you can't.

We are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.

Either you control your attitude or it controls you.

Heroes are the people who do what has to be done
When it needs to be done, regardless of consequences.

Money is a lousy way of keeping score.

My best friend and I can do anything or nothing,
And have the best time.

Sometimes the people you expect to kick you
When you're down will be the ones to help you get back up.

 Sometimes when I'm angry, I have the right to be angry,
But that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.

 Maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had
And what you've e learned from them, and less to do
With how many birthdays you've celebrated.

It isn't always enough to be forgiven by others;
Sometimes, you have to learn to forgive yourself..

 No matter how bad your heart is broken,
The world doesn't stop for your grief.

Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are,
But we are responsible for who we become.

You shouldn't be so eager to find
Out a secret. It could change your life forever.

Two people can look at the exact same
Thing and see something totally different..

Your life can be changed in a matter of
Hours by people who don't even know you.

Even when you think you have no more to give, when
A friend cries out to you - you will find the strength to help.

Credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.

The people you care about most in life are taken from you too soon.

'The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything;
They just make the most of anything.

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it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

 1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate
2.Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Wrap 
3. Colored lights on house/tree or white? white, but the kids wanted colored this year.
4. Do you hang mistletoe? yes
5.When do you put your decorations up?  the day after Thanksgiving before reagan was born. now we celebrate her that weekend and decorate the following week. one thing a night goes up for about a week.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Excluding dessert?! Who came up with these questions?! Um...sheesh, I don't know, I love it all!

7. Favorite holiday memory as a child? italian seafood christmas eve and playing with my cousins for 2 whole days!
8.When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?  i was about 8 or 9 and an older cousin mentioned it. it made sense so i looked it up and it was true! no santa, but when i confronted my parents i was told that if i didn't believe in santa, he wouldn't bring me gifts, so it was our little joke and my oldest and I have it going now.

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? yes
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? With ornaments, ribbon and white lights. and this year color too to apease the children.

11. Snow. Love it or dread it? Love to look at it, hate to deal with it.
12. Can you ice skate? oh yeah
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? ever? No, but i do remember the year I got a pink super mario brothers watch and little foot stuffed animal from the land before time. it was very cool.

14. What is the most important thing about the holidays to you? Spending time with family - I love family!
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert? Cookies - any and all!
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Waking up at our house on Christmas morning and the opening of the advent calendar each day.

17. What tops your Christmas tree? an angel.
18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving? i love giving and knowing the receiver liked the gift. but i do have my list made although i would prefer to buy it myself and have them wrap it and give it back to me so i know it's what i want. (yeah, i know i'm picky.)

19. What is your favorite Christmas song? mary did you know and o holy night
20. Candy Canes. Yum or Yuck? Yum
21. What do you want for Christmas? a new camera
22. Do you attend an annual Christmas party? Yes, several
23. Do you dress up for Christmas Eve or wear PJ's? We dress up for the family party, but then get comfy cozy in our PJ's.

24. Do you own a Santa hat? yes. one for each of us.
25. Who do you normally spend Christmas with? my family in the morning, them we usually host or go to my husbands side.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

reagan's snowman

today rea and daddy went out in the year to build a snowman. it has button eyes and a carrot nose and is as cute and tiny as rea herself. how sweet!

5th grade science fair

today was the science fair at j's school. he received an honorable mention certificate and 3 medals. i am so proud of him. he did an experiment on nails and rust. he wanted to see if the ph of a liquid would speed up the process of rust on nails. considering all the variables involved and the fact that rust happens faster on certain kinds of metals, he did a nice job.
he typed the research paper that went along with it all by himself, so that alone deserves a medal in my opinion.
Go Jimmy!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

i'm soooo keeping it!

I feel so justified to continue keeping everything I do.
 Huh, ? What does that mean? OK, so it means I am a glorified PACK RAT! I KEEP EVERYTHING! Really, I do. I have the kids umbilical cords for gooness sakeit's a bit extreme, but it's in my blood. my grandma was the same way and ! I know that know that's where it comes from. I just have to make the conscience effort to make it all organized. Which I know is possible, I have to just follow through with what I want to do.
So Oprah (whom I am not a big fan of, but tonight the show was on a "budget holiday" so it caught my attention) interviewed this lady who saved everything like me and was giving her memories of her children back to them to cherish as Christmas gifts. WoW! What an insiration this woman was for the love she showed for her children. She purchased these wooden boxes that she bought with coupons at Michaels (aka, any craft store) for about $15 - $17 dollars and sorted their memories from the time they were in kdg to 18 + years old1 It was amazing and a confirmation I needed to get organized and continue to keep things that I can give back to the babie.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

just breath

field trip to native american museum
sata arrives the mall (on a Harley, his sleigh broke down!)

never to busy for a shot with Hannah

another failed attempt at a christmas card

" so santa, here's what i was thinking..."

this has been such a busy weekend and it's only sat night! don't get me wrong, i love, no cherish, my weekends, but sometimes the running can get you down. from early morning runs to jewel for lunch items (why plan when you can get up early and make your morning crazy?) to field trips, dentist appts for five to dinner to cleaning to the store to santa to a shoebox wrapping party to a birthday party, and that's just through sat. see why i am a bit in need of a breather? ha, but wait, don't forget the late french report and the edible cell due tues (if the test is passed from friday) and the science project and the drumming performance and the birthday party, for twins (yep, a different one than yesterday, ha). throw a little grocery shopping and spending time with the dog and oh, make sure youare ready to miss some work next week so you can get to all the doctors in the world before the first of the year and then don't forget to get ready to teach 30 kids to play dodgeball on wed night and then you get to make 100 tamales for next sunday :0) but would i have it ANY other way, ah, no, of course not. i do really need to wonder why my dog is ill behaved and the oldest forgets his homework and the little one has anxiety and the baby doesn't want me to brush the knots out of her hair. but we didn't have cavities, and we did read a large stack of books this weekend, got nosy kisses, saw santa, at cake, prayed to jesus and spent time with friends.

sometimes i think i need to slow down, maybe if i have a run a long like this to read it will help to put things into perspective and get me to slow down. i'm not sure that's what i want, but it might be what i need. maybe that's what i am afraid of, slowing down. then i would be able to hear the voice of the Lord speak to me and i would have to listen. could that be my fear? having to fully surrender to Him? I really need to spend time in his word every day. it's my (and I'm sure there are many) major problems in my walk with Him. I pray that he would allow me to have the will and ambition to give Him my first moments in the am to clearly see his will for my life laid out. this is my prayer and i am sticking to it.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

So You Want To Have Children?

So You Want To Have Children?

    • Put on a dressing gown and stick a beanbag down the front.
    • Leave it there.
    • Every week, add another beanbag.
    • After 9 months, remove 2 beanbags.


    • Go to your pharmacy.
    • Empty your wallet on the counter.
    • Tell the pharmacist to help himself
    • Go to the supermarket.
    • Arrange to have your salary paid directly to their front office.
    • Go home.
    • Read the newspaper… for the last time.


    • Find a couple with children.
    • Berate them about their lack of discipline, lack of patience, low tolerance, and how their children run wild.
    • Suggest how they can improve their child's sleeping habits, toilet training, table manners and general behavior.
    • Enjoy it while it lasts. It's the last time you'll have all the answers.


    • Turn the radio on to some loud screaming station.
    • Walk around the room from 5 to 10 PM carrying a 10 pound bag of wet goo while the station screams.
    • At 10 PM, put the bag down, set the alarm for midnight and go to sleep.
    • Get up at 11 and walk the bag around until 1 AM.
    • Set the alarm for 3. Since you can't get to sleep, get up at 2 and make tea.
    • Go to bed at 2:30.
    • Get up at 3 AM when the alarm goes off.
    • Sing songs in the dark until 4.
    • Set the alarm for 5. Get up when it goes off.
    • Make breakfast.
    • Repeat for four years. Look cheerful!

Dressing Small Children

    • Buy a live octopus and a string bag.
    • Attempt to put the octopus into the string bag so that no arms hang out.
    • Time allowed: 5 minutes.


    • Sell the BMW.
    • Buy a 5-door wagon.
    • Put a large chocolate ice cream cone in the glove compartment. Leave it there.
    • Put a peanut butter sandwich in the CD player.
    • Mash a box of chocolate cookies into the back seat.
    • Run a garden rake along both sides of the car.

Going For a Walk

    • Wait.
    • Go out the front door.
    • Go back inside.
    • Go outside.
    • Come back in.
    • Go outside.
    • Walk down the front sidewalk.
    • Walk back up it.
    • Walk down it again.
    • Walk very slowly along the street for 5 minutes.
    • Stop at every piece of used chewing gum, dirty tissue, and dead bug along the way. Inspect each minutely. Ask at least 6 questions about each.
    • Retrace your steps.
    • Scream that you have had as much as you can stand until the neighbors come out and stare at you.
    • Give up and go back into the house.
    • Repeat for 5 years.


    • Repeat everything you say at least 5 times.

Grocery Shopping

    • Go to the supermarket. Take along the nearest thing to a pre-school child: a fully grown goat. (If you plan to have more than one child, take more than one goat.)
    • Buy your weekly groceries without letting the goat(s) get out of your sight.
    • Pay for everything the goat eats or destroys.

Feeding a 1 year-old

    • Prepare a bowl of cornflakes.
    • Hollow out a melon through a small hole in one side.
    • Suspend the melon from the ceiling.
    • Swing it back and forth.
    • Spoon the soggy cornflakes into the swaying melon while making airplane noises.
    • When at least half of the cornflakes are gone, pour the rest on your clothes and the floor.


    • Learn the names of every character from every episode of the Wiggles, Barney, Teletubbies, and every Disney movie.
    • Watch nothing else on television for at least 5 years.


    • Smear peanut butter on your sofa.
    • Smear jam on your curtains.
    • Hide a fish behind the stereo. Leave it there all summer.
    • Stick your fingers in dirt. Rub them on your walls.
    • Color your other walls with crayons.


    • Make a recording of someone shouting "Mommy!" over and over. (There may be no more than 4 seconds between each shout.)
    • Include the occasional crescendo to the approximate decibel level of a fighter jet.
    • Play this tape in your car continuously the 5 years.

1. Start a conversation with another adult.
2. Have someone else continually tug on your pants and shirtsleeves while playing the tape prepared above.
Get Dressed
1. On a day when you have an important meeting, wear your nicest work attire.
3. Put 1 cup of lemon juice into a cup of cream. Stir.
5. Pour half of it on your shirt.
6. Saturate a towel with the other half.
7. Attempt to clean your shirt by rubbing it with the saturated towel.
8. Do not change clothes. You're late already!
9. Go directly to work.
You are now ready to have children.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

payton's first loose tooth

Payton lost his first tooth last night.
I was wiggling for a week and last night it finnaly came out right before dinner.
He even got a visit from the tooth fairy.
Go Payton!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

30 days of Thanks - thank God for silence

I am trying to follow this 30 Days of Thanks theme I received from a devotional e-mail I receive everyday and this is the theme from yesterday:

Day # 3, Monday, Nov. 3

Thank God for Silence.

Due to the fast pace of our lives these days,

most of us have forgotten the gifts of silence and reflection.

Take a few minutes sometime today,

find a quiet spot and think of things you are grateful for.


So I posed this question to the kids today when we were on our walk with Cali.

It was after we stopped to play with the neighbor's dogs and I was getting really frustrated that the kids wouldn't listen to me asking them to stay off the grass. One of the dogs' was pooping in a few spots and it was really testing my patience to see the kids run around after the dogs knowing that someone was going to step in the poop and the end result would be me cleaning it up. So after we said our goodbye's I gave them a what-for about listening to their mom and how disappointed I was in their behavior and how I just can't understand how they could be so disrespectful for not listening to me... blah, blah, blah. It's bad when you are sick of hearing yourself talk yet you can't shut up even though you KNOW the other parties are just begging you to stop or at the very least, have already completely tuned you out...

So , when I finally shut up, I remembered that the 30 days of Thanks theme I am trying to follow, so I apologized to the kids and asked them to forgive me for ranting and raving and to just be silent on the walk and think of something they are grateful for. Here is what they said:

Payton is thankful for his Jesus, Jimmy is thankful for his family and Reagan is thankful for her dog. Then I mentioned that I was thankful for my freedom, which initiated a lively discussion on America and all the blessings we have as a nation. I am so proud of my kids and for the wonderful things they are thankful for.

So after  I thought of everything that transpired last night, I was really convicted about the way I acted towards them and I would like to change the thing I am thankful for.

I really think I am most thankful for Forgiveness. I am thankful I am forgiven and that I have the willingness and the ability to forgive. I would be nothing with out it, but because of it, I have everything.


Monday, November 3, 2008

as easy as taking candy from a baby

this is why they titled the email, why dogs bite.

halloween fun

Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead Traditions
Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) occurs on the 1st and 2nd of November and can be traced back to indigenous peoples such as the Aztec and Maya. In the pre-Hispanic era, it was common to keep skulls as trophies and display them during the rituals to symbolize death and rebirth. While that is not an acceptable custom in today's world, there are a lot of other ways to celebrate the traditions of Dia de los Muertos.

During the Day of the Dead, people visit cemeteries and build private altars containing the departed's favorite foods and beverages, as well as photos and memorabilia, to encourage visits by their loved ones' souls. Celebrations can also take a lighter tone as humorous events and anecdotes about the departed are remembered.

Ofrendas (offerings) are put in homes—usually with foods such as pan de muerto ("bread of the dead"), sugar skulls, and beverages such as atole—to welcome the deceased. Some people believe the spirits of the dead eat the "spiritual essence" of the ofrenda food, so even though the celebrants eat the food after the festivities, they believe it lacks nutritional value. (Finally—calories that really don't count!) 


Friday, October 31, 2008

ouch, a blistered butt

I saw this quote today and thought it rings so true of the upcoming election day. so many people want this "change" put aren't willing to put in the time to figure out what the state of things are now, remember what they were or contemplate what they might become. We aren't focused on a specific change for our nations future, but just this random, change. People, demanding that "something needs to be done" but not really knowing or caring what that something is.
It's a frightening prospect of what "change" could really quite mean to this nation. There is so much at stake for this election and the future of our children and grandchildren. I am praying that people really stop and read the facts and dig a little deeper into the choice they will make on Tuesday. Hopefully we will not have to look for someone to heal the blisters that might form on our proverbial behinds.

"Elections belong to the people.

It is their decision.

If they decide to turn their back

on the fire and burn their behinds,

then they will just have to sit on their blisters."

~Abraham Lincoln


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tea Anyone?

This is the cutest thing, the other morning R took a shower, so when she was out, I sent he off to her room to get dressed... This is what I found. R, no naked shots included, was having a tea party and Cali was the guest of honor. What a great sport! She must have really enjoyed her tea b/c when I came home from work at the end of the day, I found the purple tea pot in the picture a bit chewed. Or should I say, used!


Awana Costume Party

Tonight was our costume party at Awana. There were so many great ideas that the kids had and the outfits they came in. P and R both were picked for one of the winners in the Sparks and Cubbies group for best costume. I was really shocked since P wore his Pikachu costume and R wore the White Lion costume from J when he was little. Maybe it was the little dollups of face paint they had or the cute smiles, but they both received BIG HUGE bars of Kit Kats for mommy and daddy. Oh, I mean for them :0) J was Batman and I actually thought he looked really good with his "big" muscles! And then there is the biggest child of all, me! I was the Wicked Witch of the West and I'd have to say, minus the "regular" broom everyone got a kick out of, I did pretty good.


You Are God's Pumpkin

I found this today on my e-mail and was thinking about me being the squishy little seed inside the pumpkin. But then I had to smile b/c after I just ate a ton of seeds the other day, it reminded me of how God takes the squishy little seed and makes me clean and drys me out so I can become yummy. It reminded me to praise God for how great he has made me and how thankful I am for his willingness to fix the squishiness.
I think when we carve pumpkins tonight I will read this to the kids to remind them of this principle.

You Are God's Pumpkin
This devotional was written by Kelly McFadden

God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin. Therefore, as the Scriptures say, "If you boast, boast only about the Lord."—1 Corinthians 1:30-31

For most of the country, the crisp cool air of autumn is upon us. A sure sign of autumn is that Christmas decorations are popping up everywhere in retail stores. Halloween costumes and disguises are sold out from shops as trick-or-treaters are ready to take over the streets. A popular symbol of both harvest time and Halloween is the pumpkin. I was thinking recently that being a Christian is a lot like being a pumpkin. Perhaps you are visualizing this orange, round vegetable and wondering how you could ever be compared to one of these squashes! Simply put, like a child chooses a pumpkin to carve and mold an image upon, so God carves and molds His own unique design in you.

The Scriptures tell us that the Lord chooses us. He lifts us up and washes the dirt from our skin. Then he opens us, connecting deep inside to scoop out all the slimy, yucky stuff, including seeds of doubt, spite, lies, fear, etc. Then He carves a new creation, and makes our faces shine by putting His light inside for all to see.

Sometimes I feel like I don't want my light to shine because I am ashamed of a thought or action or pattern in my life. I try to hide the light Christ has put in me, and blend in with the crowd. What I forget is that when God carved me, created me, and gave me His Son, I no longer had to count on my own strength. I can count on the Lord's. It is He who washes me clean; it is He who gives me a spirit of strength and perseverance; it is He who makes me pure; it is He who frees me from sin; and it is He who gives me hope. When I realize that my part of the equation is to rely on His strength and power, then I can do as Scriptures say, and shine His light through the power of the Holy Spirit.

What starts as an everyday squash turns into a lantern of light. What starts as an everyday person turns into a beacon of hope for all to see. At times, it is hard to imagine that we can be cleansed through Jesus. As the Scripture says, Christ has made us right with God. He has purified us and freed us from sin. Through our union with Christ, we are given the light and wisdom of the Holy Spirit who enters and dwells in our lives. It is He who picked you out and carved you just the way He wants you. So make sure you keep your lantern lit for all to see.

1. What sins are in your life that you need to release and allow the Lord to scoop out for you?

2. Each time you see a pumpkin this autumn, think through why it is so important for you to be a vessel of light representing our Lord.

Psalm 19:7-10; Colossians 2:3; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

2008 Edition - About Me

1.  What time did you get up this morning?  5:45am

2.  Diamonds or pearls?  diamonds first, then pearls

3.  Last movie you saw at the cinema? Kung Fu Panda

4.  What is your favorite TV show?  Brothers & Sisters, Greys Anatomy, ER

5.  What do you usually have for breakfast? Oatmeal & Yogurt

6.  What is your middle name? Marie

7.  What food do you dislike?  Mushrooms

8.  What is your favorite CD?  i pod shuffle, there are too many to name.

9.  What kind of car do you drive? Dodge Grand Caravan

10.  Favorite sandwich?  Turkey

11.  What characteristic do you despise? hypocritical

12.  Favorite item of clothing? sweatshirt, zip up with a hood

13.  If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? 

14.  Favorite brand of clothing? don't have one Gap

15.  Where would you retire to? south western state. hot and dry.

16.  Your most memorable birthday? last year. i turned 29, not 30!

17.  Favorite sport to watch? Cubbies and Bears

18.  Furthest place you are sending this? chi town

19.  Person you expect to send it back first? ?

20.  When is your birthday? January 30

21.  Are you a morning glory or a night owl? night owl

22.  What is your shoe size? 6

23.  Pets? 1 puppy, 1 fish

24.  Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? I just ran the Chicago Marathon

25.  What did you want to be when you were little? veteranerian

26.  How are you today? sore, working out hurts

27.  What is your favorite candy? kit kat, heath bar

28.  What is your favorite flower? peoney

29.  What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? Halloween

30.  What is your favorite pastime? reading, taking pictures, eating

31.  What are you doing right now? eating lunch
32.  What was the last thing you ate?  ham sandwich and greek salad.

33.  Do you wish on stars?  No

34.  If you were a crayon, what color would you be? blue or green

35.  How is the weather right now? very sunny but very fooling because it is so stinking  cold and windy

36.  The first person you spoke to on the phone today? jim

37.  Favorite soft drink?  iced tea

38.  Favorite restaurant?  sushi places and mexican food

39.  Natural hair color? brown

40.  What was your favorite toy as a child? my bike

41. Summer or winter?  definetly summer

42.  Hugs or kisses?  Hugs

43.  Chocolate or Vanilla?  vanilla

44.  Coffee or tea? neither - both

45. Do you want your friends to email you back?  if they want, there are many of these
      out there

46.  When was the last time you cried?  Listening to the "angel cowboy" Youtube (ME TOO! This morning) and, watching the Jennifer Hudson family tradgidy unfold. How awful :0(

47.  What is under your bed? kids clothes that will one day be made into a memory quilt... when I have time! LOL!

48.  What did you do last night? watched office space and helped the kids do homework

49.  What are you afraid of?  spiders

50.  Salty or sweet?  both

51.  How many keys on your key ring? 2

52.  Favorite day of the week? Saturday

53..  How many towns have you lived in?  1

54.  Do you make friends easily?  yes

55.  How many people will you send this to? a few

56.  How many will respond? not so many

Monday, October 27, 2008

Jimmy's Hand


all's well that ends well

WHEW! that's the word I would use to describe this weekend.
as fast as the wind was blowing on sunday is as fast as this weekend went for me!
friday j had his mom watch the kids so he could play in a tournament in in. so when i got home from work , i had to got out to her house and pick them us. we ended up meeting at the mall and we went to dinner (which was nice, we tried a new sushi place at woodfield) and i ended up buying the kids new shoes.
sat. i went for my blood test to find out what foods i might be allergic or intolerant to, then we took cali to the dog beach. WOW! what fun! I cannot wait to go back. she did so good with the other dogs. a few times she seemed a bit aprehensive, and when more than 3 or 4 dogs would run and sniff at her, she looked a bit skittish, but she shook it off and really enjoyed running from one end of the beach to the other.
so the dog beach is really where all the fun began.
we were about ready to leave (of course, it's always when your leaving) when r screams, "Mom! J is bleeding! Come quick" so i run over and see his hand just dripping blood. turns out, p found a piece of glass and picked it up to throw it away. when j saw him with the glass, he tried to grab it from him thinking he shouldn't have it, and p pulled it away. so wham, bam, slice, and j has a nice sized cut on his finger. perfect.
well, lucky for us, there was a paramedic parked at the beach and we knocked on his window. he gave us gauze and cleaned it out and said, "yep, looks like he'll need a few stitches."
we at that moment, notice cali near the water and (this is again, an "of course" moment) watch as she jumps into the water after being afraid of it the whole time we were there! haha! so much for getting out of there quick. so we get the wet and sandy family piled into the van and head home.
after a fun and exciting trip to the doctor, after x-rays and singing on the hospital bed and taking a ton of pictures of the wound, j ended up with 6 stitches and i big smile to prove he was such a trooper!
so, not to be out done by a busy morning, on to a birthday party we go. there was an animal show there and p got to hold a hissing cockaroach and j got a tarantula placed on his head and a big python around his neck. r was just perfectly happy petting the fox and chinchilla that came by. my favorite was the capuchin monkey that had a crush on me. he kept jumping on me and hugging my head, but i think he was trying to get to the table with the bead and the wine!
sunday was nice, but busy again. after church and explaining the story of the stitches a few hundred times, we grocery shopped and went to grandma j's with cali. it was nice to spend time with her this weekend.
wow, so as fast as the weather changed from sun, to hail to rain to wind yesterday, was as fast as the weekend went. bye bye. and hello week!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Free Tacos for America!




A base has been stolen in the 2008 MLB® World Series®, now America gets a free taco.  Run on down to any participating Taco Bell® location between 2pm and 6pm local time on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 to get one (1) free Crunchy Seasoned Beef Taco. You watched. You waited. Now you get a free taste of Taco Bell(R).  A stolen base has never tasted so good.  See official Terms and Conditions for details.


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Postal Address:, c/o MLB Advanced Media, L.P., 75 Ninth Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10011


wedding photos

My friend A got married this weekend. she moved to FL almost 10 years ago and met a really great guy.
The wedding was the weekend of the marathin so I was not able to go, but here are a few pics.
Isn't she pretty?
Her daughter L is J's age and she is just the cutest thing.
I am hoping they make it back to Chicago during snow season so the kids can play. L can't remember what snow looks like.
I wish them a happy and blessed life with each other. Congratulations A!

chuck the bat

who knew Payton was such a great artist?
I have been so impressed with the drawings he has been bringing home from school this year. This bat, Chuck, kind of looks like he could be Larry Boy's cousin. Payton said he sleeps upside down and he likes to play ball.

He is also friends with and owl named Nalun.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

26.2 completed

I ran the Chicago Marathon (26.2 miles) on October 12, 2008.

Thanks for supporting my run. You are a part of bringing clean water to

Zambia, Africa through Team World Vision.

Thanks again and God Bless!

early in the morning, aka, the crack of dawn.

having fun. all smiles before 5 miles!

getting tackled by jimmy. go mom!

(now he has already asked this question 4 other times)
"Dad, when are we going to see mom again?"

here I am. 11.5 miles and still smiling. today is a good day!

oh to be small and tired.

ok, now this is really tired. the kid is sleeping on a water bottle!

where's Payton? Mile 21 and I didn't see my boy.

this is my favorite picture of the whole day. I love it!

What dedication on my family's part to stick it out for me and the kids we are helping in Africa. Blessings come in all shapes and sizes. And in all forms.

wow! I did it! My first marathon. whoo hoo!

yes. there was pain afterwards.

I couldn't wait to eat!

capture a monster

I found this cute scrapbook idea on the Creative Home Atrs website. Now if I could only find the time to get it done!
Capture A Monster—on a Scrapbook Page!
A child is rarely cuter than at Halloween, so why not make a tradition of recording the fun, as well as that great costume you probably made!

The first thing is to get the right photos. Take several pictures, with different views and expressions. Kids get right into character when they put on their costume so, depending on the outfit, ask them to roar, dance, fly, or whatever. Capture their personalities.

Then include a few words or, even better, a quote. (As we all know, kids say the darnedest things, right?) If you want, you can even add sound to your page so you can play back that oh-so-terrifying growl.

Finally, add a pocket or envelope for journaling. It can be as simple as a photo or square of paper glued down on three sides. You can even turn the whole page into a pocket by cutting 1/4" off the top edge of the page and gluing the sides and bottom to another sheet of the same size paper. Glue a tab to the top edge of your journaling page so it's easy to pull out.

Be sure you and your little monster remember this "let's pretend" holiday forever—and pass on the page idea to other monster lovers!

Fire Chief

Meet the new fire chief in town, Sgt. Caligator Calison Dalessandro. I'll have to do a bit of back tracking, but Cali is about to be an official member in the Dalessandro family. She has been with us since September 22nd, and this weekend I filled out the paperwork to complete the adoption. Cali was the dog of a soldier who was deployed to Iraq. I pray he will be able to stay stong and defend our country with pride. I wish I could let him know that the dog he had to leave behind has found a home where she is loved and cared for. I hope he knows that we are not only appreciative of his gift of a dog, but his gift of defending this great nation. Thank you soldier.
So, Cali is showing her gratitude to service by being a fire cheif this Halloween.
(side note: WHOO HOOO!!!! I FINALLY have a dog I can dress up!)
Cali is 9 mo old now and is begining to get settled into our house. We still have a long way to go in puppy training, but she is definately a smart dog and I hope will prove to become a wonderful and much needed addition to our family.