Friday, October 31, 2008

ouch, a blistered butt

I saw this quote today and thought it rings so true of the upcoming election day. so many people want this "change" put aren't willing to put in the time to figure out what the state of things are now, remember what they were or contemplate what they might become. We aren't focused on a specific change for our nations future, but just this random, change. People, demanding that "something needs to be done" but not really knowing or caring what that something is.
It's a frightening prospect of what "change" could really quite mean to this nation. There is so much at stake for this election and the future of our children and grandchildren. I am praying that people really stop and read the facts and dig a little deeper into the choice they will make on Tuesday. Hopefully we will not have to look for someone to heal the blisters that might form on our proverbial behinds.

"Elections belong to the people.

It is their decision.

If they decide to turn their back

on the fire and burn their behinds,

then they will just have to sit on their blisters."

~Abraham Lincoln


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