Monday, February 28, 2011

Lucy in the sky with diamonds

Payton's school project about stars and planets.
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Here We Go... It's A Party!

Payton turned 8 on February 25th. I can't believe this boy is 8 years old!

It seems like yesterday I was in the hospital holding a newborn.

Payton is such a fun kid.

He loves life and is determined to get the most out of every experience.

He loves sports and is a whiz at math.

He treats his family with love and cares about people and animals.

Payton, I look forward to this year and will be praying for God's blessing and protection in your life. May you understand how valued you are to Our Father in Heaven and your family on earth.

We love you!!!

He had a Mario Brothers themed Lazer Quest party with a few of his favorite friends.
It was a lot of fun and really sweaty!

Thank You Card

Silly, silly boys... the best way to be!

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

That Beauty Judy's Birthday Gift

This is how it began...

Well, it was an idea actually, not a canvas...

about Judy, and the wonderful woman she is and all the people that love an appreciate her.

I asked a group of her friends and family to think of three words that come to mind when you think of Judith.

This are the words people think of when they think of her:

So the words were collaged, the canvas distressed, and painted a little too.

This is what the collage looked like...

Thank you Teresa, Linda, Karen, Pat, Benta, Debbie, Rob, Anthony and Kathy.
You obviously know a great person, someone I am proud to know and love.
Happy 60th birthday Judy.
We love you!!!

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Reagan's Valentines

Reagan made crayond for he class this year for valentines day.
We stapled the tag to a plastic baggie

and tied on a few ribbions.

For her teacher, we took a blank journal and added her initial with a sparkely sticker.

Then we added ribbon, of course, and VOILA!, a cute, personalized journal.
(ignore the sick, cold camera feel. it still must be winter here)

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Payton's Valentines

Payton made bow and arrow Valentines with glow sticks.

A few of them cracked when we were taping the tags and hearts on... sorry kids.
I didn't buy extra to account for breakage.
They were still lit the next day, and since we did it the night before, I hope they were lit up enough to be used.

This was his gift for his teacher.

Just a lowly soap bottle...

Made pretty by ribbon and conversation heart stickers.
I didn't take a picture of the finished product b/c my camera batteries died. Something was definitely going on with my camera that day.
These pictures look so cold. Guess it goes with the weather.

Happy Valentines Day!

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday funday

Simple pleasures are... Starting new projects!
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Love is on the Block(s)

Reagan and I made L-O-V-E blocks to decorate for Valentines Day.

Here are mine:

Here is hers:

So cute! And so much fun time spent together!

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Jimmy's Guitar

My mom bought Jimmy a guitar for Christmas.

He has been getting a few lessons from one of the guys at church and practicing a lot on his own. It's hard work but he has been practicing and hopefully will pick it up and be able to play a few songs.

It would be great to have him get together with other people who can play and make music. I am one of the few people in the family that has zero musical ability.

Oh, wait - I could play the recorder in grammer school if that counts for anything :0)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

2011 Blizzard

Feb 1 - 2 we got the biggest blizzard since 1999.

Here are some pictures:

Yes, that is snow in our house! (I guess our back porch needs to be insulated better! Ha!)
And, yes, that is a car in our neighbors yard, ugh!