Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring has Sprung on our Street

... and one day it will not be 20 degrees when we wake up in the morning or go from 65 ne day to 35 and snow the next. hopefully that one day is soon.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

old man in a cup

do you see what i see?

do you see the old man in the cup?

he's there... really... tilt your head and look. i know you see him too.

and no, i don't have too much time on my hands. this is just a silly way to balance the mayhem of it all. kind of like watching the clouds. sporadic art you could say... just a calming moment to get away from it all... but if the old dude starts taking, i'll let you know to start worrying... lol.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Beef Stew For You

an ode to beef stew:

Oh Beef Stew,
I love you.
You taste so good,
Like I knew you would.
Cookin all day,
It took my breath away.
To eat you, beef stew,
and with cheese for the kids too.

so much yum...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

the eye of beauty

remember the pretty flowers i got for my birthday?

we'll I enjoyed taking pictures of them in life and now in death.

beauty comes in so many forms. it's our perspective that makes the difference.

Friday, March 5, 2010

puppy love

remember the dog my friend tried to help get better when they found out she had parvo and almost died...

this is the recovered Lottie and her big brother, Nikon.
He had to wear a muzzle for a week so he didn't eat her, but now they are in love...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Mr. P

Last Thursday we celebrated Payton's 7th birthday.
It's hard to believe this little guys is already in 1st grade, reading, exceling at math, playing chess, sports and becoming a really cool young man.

The grandma's came over to celebrate his birthday and so did some friends.

Take a look at the size of the cake. We just got rid of the last of it the other day.

And any event wouldn't be complete with out the 'messing with Cal' part.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Monker the Monkey

'Monker the Monkey' came home with Payton this weekend.
He is a traveling monkey that gets to do fun and exciting things with the kids from 1st grade.
Here is a recap of Payton and Monker's weekend in Payton's own words:
(We will NOT discuss the 24 hour period when Monker missed swimming, a movie and church, he was found hiding out under the covers in Pay's bed. He must have been tired from all the plane flying.)

Monker went to I-Hop for dinner on Friday. He colored and ate pancakes.

Monker flew an airplane. I think he should be a pilot.

Monker flew a flying saucer outside.

Monker went to the store. He saw bananas in the fruit aisle.

Monker made lots of new friends.