Monday, December 27, 2010

Sledding kind of day

Reagan & Payton
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Jimmy & Reagan
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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cali got presents too

Cal's fox was headless, footless, tail-less, pretty much dead. So for Christmas, we picked out a new fox and wrapped it up for her to open.
Reagan and payton helped her open the package and while she was waiting for Jim to take the tags off, she could barely contain herself.
We are so thankful for Cali. She is such a good girl.
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Shopping for $10 kids jeans at Old Navy

Rea was so excited to sit next to this dog in the dressing room.
Payton, not so much.
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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Morning Fun

Surprisingly, the kids let us sleep until about 7:30. It was a good thing since Jim and I had way to much coffee the night before and were up until 2am.
Jimmy was very helpful passing out the presents. Since he is the oldest, he opened his last.

Payton took time from his regularly scheduled playing to make a fake smile for the camera.

Rea was thrilled with all of her gifts. Lots and lots of crafts to make!

Even Cal enjoyed watching the kids open their gifts.
She was happy to get a new bone, a new fox and new leash. Lucky dog! (picture to come)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ready for a fun buddy kind of day

Rea is all ready for school and the gift giving day with her classes' buddies.
What a great way to show our appreciation for another little girl who spends time each week with our precious cargo. Teaching, reading, writing and becoming a friend.
We hope you like your gift Jane!
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Saturday, December 11, 2010


We made these ornaments for our friends and family for Christmas this year. They went with the hot chocolate we made. Or as Payton calls it, snowman soup, and Reagan adds 'with snowman poop' (the marshmallows.) Unbielably, I didn't take 1 photo of the ornaments.

But here is the recipe so we can make them again.

Homeade ornaments

Preheat oven to 300 degrees

Mix together 2 cups flour
1 cup salt
1 cup water

Knead together.
Roll out and cut with cookie cutters.
Brush with beaten egg. (use food coloring & paint brushes to make special)
Use a toothpick to make a hole at the top of each ornament before baking.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas tree surprise

Christmas tree surprise, originally uploaded by frogverde.

Jim surprised us with a Christmas tree yesterday. When we came home from school and work it was up and smelling very piney! It's opening up nice. Cal is nibbling it with her front teeth so her snout smells like pine. We'll put the ornaments and lights on this weekend. Payton wanted Max the monkey to see it too!
Happy Friday!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

one birthday girl

We celebrated reagan's birthday in cupcake style. the boys wished her a happy birthday and she was happy to make a wish of her own!

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