Wednesday, December 31, 2008

this is a big one... deep into the depths of my soul

1.  What do you want more of in your life?
more order and calm, relaxing moments   

2.  What do you want less of in your life?
less chaos, yelling, frustration

3.  What are three things you are doing regularly that don't serve or support you?
time wasting on Internet, working for something that isn't my passion and not exercising

4.  What do you really, really want?
to enjoy life more with the people i love without having to run through a string of conditions before it can happen. from being able to eat on the dining room table to purchasing 3 dressers for the kids, there are always long drawn out processes that could be avoided and would lessen the stress of the entire family which would, in turn, lessen mine.

5.  What's one change you could make to your lifestyle that would give you more peace? letting go of clutter

6.  In your current situation, what are you grateful for?
everything. my life (even with all the stress) is a blessing. i have a beautiful family. healthy, smart children, a husband who loves me for who i am and a great support from God loving women at church

7.  What is the value of your current attitude?
the value is great right now. i am riding on the bliss of the Christmas spirit. Enjoying my time off work and loving 'being in the moment'.

8.  What's one way you could have more fun in your life?
letting go... no one can achieve perfectionism

9.  What is your life really about?  What is your purpose?
Jesus is the reason for my life. i logically know this but and emotionally feel this but have to apply this to my actions. i thank the Lord every day for the wonderful blessings He has given me and the ability to please him with my actions and words

10.  What would you like most to be acknowledged for so far in your life?
raising my children to be followers of Christ. Each one of them has asked Jesus to be their Lord and Savior. If NOTHING else, I can stand on this accomplishment.

Bonus Question

Who is responsible for your happiness? Ultimately, it is I. But I rely on the strength I need to create my own happiness form God.

If these questions intrigue you...

If you are going into or are in the midst of a transition... only my own... to be a better me. More follow though, less mess

If you want to get stress and expectations under control... i have to do it and stop talking about it.


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