Saturday, August 1, 2009


I love the beginning of a new month. To turn the page on my calendar and see all the blank little squares just waiting to be filled with new and exciting adventures. Although, it's not uncommon for me to turn that page and see way too many little boxes written in before the month even begins, leaving me to wonder how we got so busy.

It cracks me up to hear people, sometimes it is me, saying, "Wow! I can't believe it's a new month already." "Time sure fly's doesn't it?" "Where has the time gone?"

Well, if I stop and think about it, or if I neglect thinking and planning my time, I often am left wondering where all my time went. How could I have so much to do and not enough time? Where did it go? How could it already be time for bed? Time to leave for… Time to go to… and on and on.

One thing I have realized is if I allow myself to get distracted and not have a plan, I'm left wondering where the time went. If I am not precise in using the time I have available, I get distracted and don't accomplish what I set out to do. I feel I get more accomplished when I have everything mapped out opposed to just having an idea of what needs to be done. Having a busy schedule is something I cannot get away from. So the idea of pairing down my to-do list is just not practical. Knowing I will have to plan my time accordingly with everything I have to do, is practical. Between working full time, kids schedules, church, family and time for myself I make sure I get done the essentials to keep our lives in rhythm. OK, I try to make sure I get done the essentials. Unfortunately, my rhythm is off key before the end of the month comes. Sometimes my essentials, like making a homemade birthday card or organizing the drawer of stamping tools is not the essentials the rest of the house needs to get to football practice with clean pants or eat a healthy meal and not another drive through nutritional void. Sometimes, mommy gets distracted and l-a-z-y and the beat dies.

I guess that's why the beginning of the month makes me so happy because it is a new chance to get back on track and pick up where I left off or start over to a different tune.

So welcome August 1, 2009. Come in with all your promises of a new meal plan, a better exercise regimen, a right way to do laundry, a faster way to get the house clean. Don't forget the crafts to make and the movies to watch and books to read and sports to play. I welcome it all and as I sit down to fill up the empty boxes on my calendar this weekend, I will crank up the music and relax a while, knowing I am where I need to be, with whom I need to be with and whatever rhythm that is created, I will give 100%.

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