Friday, August 28, 2009

Operation Organization: Homework Station/ Bookshelf

Here are my pics from my project last week. I didn't post last Friday, things just got a bit too crazy around the house, but I spent the week making a homework center for the kids. We are (very) slowly getting back into the school routine.
Here is the before:
and the after:
Now all of their art/ paper/ markers/ crayons/ scissors/ glue/ books/ etc. is all in one place and organized.

Next challenge:
This week I am going to work on my room. I've let it get a bit out of control. I have more clothes than drawers or closet so I need to go through everything and purge, purge, purge.
My husband reminded me very kindly that my new dresser (aka, his desk chair) isn't working well for him and he would like it back. He hasn't been able to sit on it since June. Oops!


  1. Looks great Nikki. Having everything for homework in one spot makes life so much easier.

  2. look's great! the best part is that maybe the kids will know where to put things when they clean up! good job!

  3. Wow, Nikki! What a difference! I've found that since I cleaned my kids' rooms they really do stay neat. They have a place to put things and they put them back! Hopefully the same thing will happen with your homework station.

    Good luck this week! ;0)
