so i've missed a few. ok, a lot of posts. it's not that i haven't been thinking of it, it's that i haven't had the time.
running has been kicking my butt.
there, i said it.
i am tired. (why is admiting that so painful? It's not like I don't like sleep, I relish in it every night. A nap is a proud moment. I guess I wish there was more time in the day.)
i've been running all the required times and lengths, but at the end of the night, i am pooped. the few times i have turned on the computer, i have fallen asleep in front of it.
i recently heard of a book called the supermom phenonemon, and i swear i am a perfect canidate. i try to do and be everything i can be. that sounds so corney, but it's so true. i should have joined the army. (ok, here i go again) if i were to join a division of the service, it would probably be the marines... (ok there, see, again) why can't the first thing or one less or two below or whatever, just not the best, most perfect thing be ok?
I have this un-ending strive for perfection that I can't shake. it's to the point of failure though b/c I am paralyzed by the lack of perfection i can achieve.
paralysation by anyalization (that's a friend's quote, so, so true)
i seem to do nothing when i know i can't do it all. big sigh. but the good news is I am working on it. I have recognized the problem. I'm sure that's the first step of some group or program.
Hi, my name is Nicole and I am a perfectionist. I admit to not blogging even little stories about me, the kids or our lives b/c I can't blog them all.
Ok, now that that is all out in the open, I can move on.
Expect a lot of posts from me today. All about catch up.
(I will admit to being a work in progress, again, admiting is a step, hopefully it is half the battle.)
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