Sure enough, when I looked, there was a rash that looked like a chicken pox/ blister conglomerate on my lower back. The electrical current in the rest of my body didn't subside either. It made everything I did, from sit, to walk, to breath, painful. I thought of it as my skin being peeled back and someone blowing air onto my exposed skin.
Unbelievable!!! I knew I had shingles!
Huh?! you say, shingles? Isn't that an older person's problem? That doesn't happen to young 30 year old healthy women.
Well, it did and I was the lucky recipient.
The doctor (yes, I succumbed to the doc for this one) said it was brought on by stress and a weakened immune system. It's just plain bad luck.
I received my anti viral and painkillers and retreated back to the couch for the next 5 days.
You know, being on the couch for that long gives someone a lot of time to think, and think I did.
(For the record, I did miss the Cubs game but was happy that daddy got to go enjoy it with his son)
I really evaluated my life and where I was at, during my stretch of couch time, and was enjoying working through my spiritual, mental, physical health.
One of the things that struck me was the way that I was taking care of my body.
I wasn't in a regular exercise routine, I was eating all the foods I knew were bad for my body and I really wasn't managing my stress very well with home and work and all the pressures working mom's have to manage. I think it is known by now that everyone who lets stress get a foothold in their life is setting their physical well being up for disaster.
Well, I was my own disaster and needed to do something to fix it.
yikes!!! It looks like I will need one more day to bring the story current...
Stay tuned tomorrow...
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