Thursday, March 19, 2009

pain is not optional, growth is good

what is it that makes a parent's worst fears for their child kick into major overdrive at the slightest indication of a problem?
why is it that the momma bear comes out and wants to protect and shelter her cub? I think it's a total  natural reaction to proctect and hide your offspring from danger, pain and hurt. Just as we pull our hands away from the heat of the stove or fire or we shelter our eyes from the sun, pain never feels good but there is so much to learn from the experience of it.
i can only imagine that God didn't want to give up Jesus at the cross. he must have agonized over the ability he had to let go of his only son and look away, even though he knew the outcome. even though he knew it was for the better or the protection of so many more, i can't believe it pained him any less to go through that experience.
knowing this and really internalizing it on my small scale today, i can actually see how pain is such a huge step of growth and how it can be a source of comfort for us as children of God.
just as God was pained when he watched Jesus suffer, we are his children and he is pained when we suffer. Regardless of our pain being emotional, physical, self induced or external, our father is pained and wants to shield us from it but knows he cannot for our own good.
in the same manner, we have to let out children experience pain. all kinds, in order for them to learn and grow (hopefully closer to the Lord) through their experiences.
today i read a great post on the blog below about pain and loss.
so the next time i want to jump in the middle of my children's pain, i need to hold back and pray for the strength to let them have experiences without my interferance and trust they will emerge stronger and closer to their Lord because of it.

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