Starting My Onions from Seed
Time to start my onions inside my greenhouse. Starting onions from seed
isn’t difficult. They can be planted closely together in seed starting
trays, and...
A Letter for My Mom
A letter to all of you, my mom's beloved readers and dear friends, from her
daughter Abbey:
I am heartbroken to write this. Our beloved mom, Sarah, pass...
Fruit Punch
I love a refreshing drink like homemade fruit punch! Even though I consider
myself a cocktail queen, I love to serve an array of nonalcoholic beverages
at ...
A new bedroom and library in an old apartment
While I anxiously await the project that never seems like it is going to
happen (the creation of a library in my third floor unused space), I can
only ho...
Words of remembrance
It is hard to believe that it has been nearly five months since Linda has
passed. In some ways it seems like it was just last week that we were
House Hunters International Tell All
I wasn’t messing around on today’s Facebook Live broadcast. If you’re a
House Hunters International fan, and you want the TV magic to remain, you
might wan...
Farmer's Market Squash
Today's loot from the farmer's market. I had no idea how many types of
squash there are until today. I saw tons of French varieties, heirlooms and
look ...
i'm not even sure where to start with this post...i have so many things
that i am thankful for and so many events that have left me feeling very
blessed th...
Five Fingers
I have been in tears since I got a message from Shaun Groves yesterday. A
large cyclone hit East India, and it has affected the area we were in just
a few ...